JL Property Inspection is a top-rated inspection service. Owner, John Lorraine, strives to maintain his 5-Star rating throughout the inspection process. Ultimately, the value of any inspector's report is in the quality of information and the effort put forth by the inspector. Quality and value are what we do best!
John Lorraine's education, experience, and customer service benefit you throughout the inspection process. From Greenville to Lake Worth to New Boston, as well as, the routine trips to Dallas, Rockwall, Royse City, Commerce, and Quinlan, it is my pleasure to act with integrity on your behalf as your licensed, insured, and vetted professional inspector. Read my reviews and trust that my work is Inspected Once; Inspected Right ®." ~John Lorraine
Greenville's Best Local Inspector: Quality & Integrity

General Home Inspection
Partial Inspections
Pre-Cover Inspection
Pre-Move In Inspection
12 Mo. BLDR Warranty Insp.
Thermal Imaging
Pool & Spa Inspections
Roof Inspection
Septic Inspection
Free Reinspection (repairs)